I’m a big fan of Chicago yet not even I will try and defend “No Tell Lover.” I do like “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor, but that’s only because I really love the Cake cover and I love to listen to both back to back.

I think we all had a friend like Allen when we were kids. I also wouldn’t be surprised if we were some other kid’s “Allen.”

Fun post.

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I do think “I Will Survive” is a good song, but it’s just been overplayed (and over-karaoke’d) to the nth degree…

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Well, I had never heard 'Dancin' Shoes' before, and if I never hear it again that will still be too soon! A reminder that we can never group "good music" by a single year....

And while even Rod is embarrassed about the No. 1 hit from the Billboard chart up above, I find 'Y.M.C.A' to be positively and powerfully enduring, a proper disco hit that didn't age (even if it is overplayed).

Cheers for the fun trip down memory lane...


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Hahaha - it really IS awful, isn’t it?

I am definitely a Village People fan (I even own a vinyl copy of Renaissance, their “new wave” album), but “YMCA” has just been played out for me. I do agree that “YMCA” still sounds good on its own terms, however… And I do always find it amusing whenever a song about gay dudes getting it on in the showers gets played at weddings, bar mitzvahs and Trump rallies!

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Minnie Pearl on Amphetamines? I don’t even want to think about it. But I can’t stop thinking about it. 🙄

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I'm all for any story with Chief Dan George - had to revisit, read it in initial email sendout.

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Or without Chief Dan George, as the case seems to have actually been!

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