Sweet words, my friend. Though our trajectories have been very different, they've both involved a low patch in recent years, and a re-shift in living set-up that brought us together as friends. I love doing Crossed Channels with you, and I love that you've found love. Occasionally, when I am putting in yet more hours on an impending Substack post, I remember you helped talk me into making that commitment in the first place, and before I curse you for it (good-naturedly of course), I look at the community we are all building up around ourselves here, see the advances you've made in readership and paid support, and know that this is a good place to be. And though I have not lived in as much of the US as you, I've certainly traveled it - and beyond - and you know what? The Hudson Valley is about as lovely as this nation gets. Here's to more Crossed Channels, a successful book for you, and at least another 50 great posts over the next year.

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Right on, my friend! ✊🏼

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Why do I subscribe to JTL? (I ask myself unprompted …)

My gateway to Dan’s writing was hearing about BH&PG around the time of its publication. It hit the sweet spot of my discovery of baseball in my early tweens in the mid-late seventies. I’m not a fan letter writer … but I wrote one (well, okay, an email) to Dan, who kindly replied and pointed me in the direction of his blog promoting the book. Oooooh! More stuff! And I kept coming back … loving and then lamenting the debut and later discontinuation of the rock and baseball themed column in Rolling Stone (ooooh … he writes about music, too!), being the first kid on my block to pick up Stars & Strikes … and there are very few writers who could have motivated this lifelong Sawx fan to purchase a book about not one but two Yankees. (And I thoroughly enjoyed it, but please let’s just keep that our little secret lest I get exiled from Sawx Nation.).

Oh but the music! What makes JTL worth the price of admission are the new discoveries … even if said *new* discoveries are decades old. (My favorite new album of 2023? Television’s Marquee Moon … somehow I missed it over the course of forty five years. But that came through a different Substack … back to the topic at hand …). I also missed the boat on the MC5. JTL to the rescue. Did my life really need the knowledge that Billy Paul did an awesome cover of Magic Carpet Ride? Why, yes it did. JTL to the rescue! And of course the Arthur Lee interviews … and Lemmy … and Eddie … and Grease … and all the rest.

I was a little concerned when I subscribed that I was committing to a guy I thought of as a baseball writer to talk about music (and clearly I had that exactly backwards) … but the new discoveries and great stories are just what a lot of Saturdays have needed.

Here’s to a great Year Three!

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Goddamn, Tim, that totally made my day! Thanks so much for writing this - and for your dedicated support over the years. More good stuff to come!

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Aug 31Liked by Dan Epstein

Congrats on the second anniversary Dan. I'm looking forward to purchasing and reading the Redd Kross bio!

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Congrats on reaching a major milestone Dan!

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Aug 31Liked by Dan Epstein

If Dan is writing it, I will read it! The Hudson Valley is a magical place, and proximity to Minnewaska and Mohonk in blue-state Ulster County is only part of the reason. You may not ever get rich, but doing what you love to do is more important. As for falling in love, remember what McCartney said, "I don't care what they say I won't stay in a world without love."

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Wonderful post and sweet words (and congrats to two years of JTL and the upcoming Redd Kross book! Mazel tov!)

I know you struggled when you moved back to the Hudson Valley, but let me say from the selfish part of my heart, I'm happy to have you as a neighbor of sorts (they don't come cooler), and it's great to see you getting settled into a groove and enjoying things. But we most definitely need to hang out more!

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Thank you! And agreed!

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Congrats on 2 years Dan, and nice to know you're living in a beautiful place - I spent my teenage years in the Hudson Highlands (Cold Spring & Garrison) before ending up in Seattle, and I enjoy going back to NY and finding it just as beautiful as ever.

I'm still new to Substack but I'm really enjoying it, and your excellent writing is a big part of that. Keep up the good work, and best wishes to you from the upper left part of of the map!

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Thank you, Hugh — and thanks as well for the paid subscription. I really dig your Substack, too; lemme know whenever you're back in the HV, and let's meet up for a beverage!

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Congrats on 2 years, Dan! JTL has quickly become a "never miss" newsletter for me. Also an honor (and a bit nerve-wracking, if I'm honest) to be a part of the same Remember The Lightning project with you.

At any rate, here's to a fantastic Year 3 and many more! Redd Kross rules, and I'm looking forward to reading the book!

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Right on, Kevin! Thank you — I really dig your Substack, too!

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Thank you, Dan! That truly means a lot to me!

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