The Phoenix has risen again--resiliently. In it’s own time. With so much wisdom, gathered along the way. Jagged to be sure. But linear is the loser. “Linear Time Line”? Foggedaboudit! 😎🤜🤛
The detail that really makes this story work, for me, is Kip Winger acting as a medic. This was a very fun and enjoyable read, Dan. Thanks a lot for sharing it.
Thanks! It was a lot of fun — and it's amazing how much you improve on your instrument when you're forced to practice/play with other musicians for 8-10 hours a day, five days in a row.
The Phoenix has risen again--resiliently. In it’s own time. With so much wisdom, gathered along the way. Jagged to be sure. But linear is the loser. “Linear Time Line”? Foggedaboudit! 😎🤜🤛
Great story!
Great read! Very engaging writing style. Keep 'em coming!
I'll go out on a limb to say this whole experience HAD to be worth that injury!
Hahaha — I definitely went out on a limb!
The detail that really makes this story work, for me, is Kip Winger acting as a medic. This was a very fun and enjoyable read, Dan. Thanks a lot for sharing it.
I can't stop laughing.. . story well told!
Great story -- I've always kinda wondered what Fantasy Rock Camp would be like.
Thanks! It was a lot of fun — and it's amazing how much you improve on your instrument when you're forced to practice/play with other musicians for 8-10 hours a day, five days in a row.
My two favorite Substack writers had posts about Kip Winger today. What are the odds? Great and enjoyable story, btw.
Hahaha - yeah, I mentioned this on Craig’s thread, though I don’t know if he saw the comment. Strange coincidence, indeed!